Vintage Items Yard Art

For her first original art pieces, Camille gathered various vintage objects and began to work her magic. This was a wonderful new aspect of designing for her! These can be used in weddings, special occasions, or just for a piece of loveliness inside or outside your...

New Treasures

In her never ending love for the hunt and gather, Camille discovered some new treasures to add to her collection. These peices continue to create endless possibilities. These will be gems in her arsenal of...

Formal Dinner Decor

Camille was asked to contribute her services to a church group formal dinner and dance for the single adults. This was a fun smaller project for her. With her arsenal full of items, she was able to take creative liberty in piecing together new designs. She does decor...

Sunbeam Party

As her mother’s birthday drew near, Camille knew that she wanted to have a gathering to honor her. Among the many things that Kathy loved were tea parties, the color yellow, her girlfriend get-togethers, sun hats, and glass dishes. This celebration was also a...

February Wedding

On a chilly midwestern winter day, a classic reception was underway. There was a great crowd filled with exuberance and laughter. The perfect touch to a flawless evening was the addition of a live band! Below are pictures from the February wedding Camille brought...